All sissies, pantyboys, etc. are invited to join in. Just put on your best ruffled, rumba panties and tweet a pic or description using the #DailyPanties and #MMDay tags. If you don't use Twitter, email me the name you want to use and your panty pics and/or description, and I'll tweet them later this evening.
If you don't have a pair of rumba panties, it's about time that you got some! You can take part in the #MMDay by shopping for and buying a pair, either online or in person. I'd love to read your shopping reports, and might even post one on my blog.
If you would prefer I choose your panties, email me links or pictures for to up to 4 of your favorites, along with a tribute, for my final selection and approval.
If you'd like to get a pair of these to match sophie & jezi, here are the links again:
UK, Europe & Australia:
They also come in white, red and black, and are pre-approved by me in either pink or black!