Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sexy "Miss Santa" Outfits at Spencer's Gifts

It's a bit late to buy your Santa's Helper outfit for this year's Yule assignment, but a great time to get one on sale for next year. For example, azpanties found this sexy outfit shown at Spencer's Gifts. Now, it's on sale at 50% off on the Spencer's website. It does not include panties, but he found some yummy red and white striped ones that match the stockings.

He modeled it for me on Friday night. It was a little bit snug, but not too bad. To see how it looks on him, check out:


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Follow-up to: Panties as my Submissives' Uniform

 I thought some of you might enjoy seeing what my "uniform" panties look like on my jezi-girl, as well as how much of a sexy "vixen" she is! ;-) 

I expect to see these pics in her #DailyPanties tweets soon!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Shakespearean D/s

I've always thought that Shakespeare's "Sonnet 57" would be perfect for just the right boy to copy for me as a written "punishment". Well, I've definitely found the right boy! :-) And he has adapted it ever so slightly for me before writing it out. Enjoy!

Sonnet 57
Being Your slave, what should i do but tend
Upon the hours and times of Your desire?
i have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do, till You require.
Nor dare i chide the world-without-end hour
Whilst i, my Mistress, watch the clock for You,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour
When you have bid Your servant once adieu;
Nor dare i question with my jealous thought
Where You may be, or Your affairs suppose,
But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought
Save, where You are how happy You make those.
So true a fool is love that in Your will,
Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill.

- adapted from William Shakespeare

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Panties as my Submissives' Uniform

In October, andrew gave me a gift card for Lane Bryant so that I could buy some lingerie from Cacique. I was ordering online to get the specific colors and sizes I needed, but having it shipped to the store for pickup to save on shipping. Like the frugal Domme that I can sometimes be, I was watching the sales in order to get the best deal, and I was also considering whether it was worthwhile to add a few more items to my order and pay a bit out of my own pocket so that I could use a coupon which would make the extra items almost free.

While I did look at several nice items for myself, I kept going back to panties that might make nice holiday presents for my boys & girls, including the ones to the upper right. The one thing that I wasn't sure about was the dangling double-diamond accent on the front. (I did see another style that I liked even better on clearance, but they sold out before I could get sizing information from andrew and sophie).

Just as I was getting ready to order without using the coupon, these went on clearance as well! I found myself wondering if jezi would mind if her panties matched andrew's, or if theirs matched sophie's and so on! I asked them, and found that they generally liked the idea of having matching "uniforms" of panties to wear for me, so I bought these for all my boys and girls who wear panties, even getting a couple extra pairs to allow for possible sizing issues.

When I went into the store to pick them up, I saw that they had the same panties there, except that theirs had a large round clear jewel on the front framed in silver. I absolutely *loved* the new design! And, of course, they were NOT on sale. Now it was obvious to me why the others had been on clearance - although I had not seen the new design advertised anywhere on their website. But... I wondered...

I opened my order right there at the store counter, digging past my own items to get the to extra panties at the bottom. And, YES! They were the new design! Color me one happy Domme!

As you can see from the picture above left, andrew loves his new panties, and jezi will soon be modeling hers as well [updated with a link to her pics] - which also include the sexy, rhinestone-adorned "vixen" holiday thong shown at right. Keep an eye out for them on Twitter in my #DailyPanties.

So, now that you know which panties I gave certain boys & girls this holiday, I'm wondering which of you will be wearing Holiday Panties for me this year. Email me at:
      ForMistressMagick *at* Yahoo *dot* com
and request my Yule Assignment to join in.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sexy "Miss Santa" Outfits at Ann Summers (UK)

If you're doing Level Three of my Yule/Xmas Assignment, you may have to order your outfit soon. I've been having a look around and found quite a few sexy and appropriate outfits on the Frederick's of Hollywood site, but they don't necessarily come in sizes for sissies - or for real women, for that matter.

I asked thurstan for some help in finding outfits in the UK, and especially in larger/plus sizes. Below are a list of the best outfits that he found. I probably shouldn't be surprised that Ann Summers has all the sexy "Santa's Helper" outfits. After all that's where jezi got her's last year!


Miss Selfridge has some tiny Santa Baby briefs £4 but only up to large, and that's too small for most sissies

On a positive note, Ann Summers is in the festive mood:

Sheer Sexy Miss Santa Brief
£10, up to size 18

Red and white candy stripe over the knee stockings
[jezi got these last year ~ M]
£10 with a red bow and marabou.
(but we don't recognise candy canes in UK as Christmassy)

Sexy, Sheer Miss Santa Dress
£18, in red mesh, white fur and a santa belt/buckle feature, only up to size large (for petite sissies)

Miss Claus Sexy Christmas Outfit
[This is my favorite of the new ones this year. ~ M]
£30 for velvet body, sleeves and a hat, size 18 and 24 catered for.

Sexy Miss Santa Dress
£30, all the way up to size 24, soft red body and shoulder straps, with white fur, and "boot toppers"

Deluxe Mrs Santa Outfit
[This is the one that jezi got last year. ~ M]
£30, up to size 20, red halterneck dress with white fur trim and white fur cuffs and a santa belt. has loads of cheap stuff under a search for "christmas lingerie" in fancy dress section, but the sizes are often vague and won't fit many sissies.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Request My Yule/Xmas Assignment Now!

Just like last year, my Yule/ Xmas Assignment has Three Levels of Difficulty... or perhaps I should say "Sissification":

- Level One is a holiday panty assignment for those who don't normally crossdress or generally would only wear panties.

- Level Two is an online shopping assignment for sissies and other CDs/TVs/etc. who want to crossdress in sexy little outfits for their Mistress, but aren't able to do so because of privacy reasons.

- Level Three is a dressup assignment for sissies and other CDs/TVs/etc. who can find the time/privacy to buy and wear a special outfit, like the one shown at right, just for me.
I expect most of you to participate at Level One, whereas sissies like my jezi will certainly do Level Two and will hopefully have the privacy for Level Three. Here's her report and others from last year!

To participate, email me at ForMistressMagick *at* Yahoo *dot* com and request my Yule Assignment. Check back here for more updates.

Picture: Sleigh Belle Babydoll from Frederick's:,default,pd.html?cgid=gf08

If You Would Like To Apply to Me...