I think I want to do something with a turkey theme for my November assignment, but what? I can't imagine having you dress as one. So I decided to ask you, my loyal readers: If you were to imagine a turkey assignment or other kinky Thanksgiving-themed assignment, what would it be?
Send your idea to me at ForMistressMagick *at* yahoo *dot* com by November 10. If I select your idea, you will have an opportiunity to "test drive" the assignment that I write based on it with me. You will also be recognized (using whatever name you choose) in my blog & on Twitter... and perhaps in an upcoming book as well.
P.S. I do also have a "messy masturbation" idea for one using a particular food. I'm just not sure if it's the one that I want to use. If you want to give it a try, email me and request it.
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