UPDATE: Germany won the World Cup in extra time:
Germany 1 - Argentina 0
Argentina Players:
- Buy and wear a Black Ribbon (or one with the colors of the German flag (black, red and gold)) for at least 10 hours.
If you're wearing your Bastille Day ribbon(s) for Me on Monday, I think it would be sexy for you to buy your Black Ribbon while you're ribboned for the holiday. ;-) Then wear your Black Ribbon on Tuesday or Wednesday.
- Only 1 Edge, which MUST be while you are wearing your ribbon.
- Chaste for another 24 hours after the end of the game - let's just say until 11pm London (BST) / 6pm NYC (EDT) / 3pm San Francisco (PDT) on Monday.
I wish I'd said that the additional chastity time would start after you completed wearing your ribbon and performing your edge, but I was expecting that the game might go into PKs - and wind up totaling 9 days more of chastity! See - I do think about you poor, horny boys! ;-)
Germany Players: sophie was the only one of my remaining players who selected Germany. She will be getting a Special Reward designed for her from the ideas that she sent me before the Knock Out Rounds began. Watch InHerService.com for her report. Yes, I know what it is, but I want to make sure she didn't get ahead of herself when she suggested it. ;-)
(Read the entire post for full instructions.)
Sadly Brazil just lost to the Netherlands. I'm happy for my Dutch players, but I'm mostly thinking: "At least it wasn't as bad as Germany". The referee made a couple of really bad/weird decisions, but going both ways and nothing that should have decided the game.
Highlights from ESPN (Can you watch these in the UK?): http://www.espnfc.com/fifa-world-cup/4/video/1947343
Netherlands Players (azpanties, sophie and jezi): You didn't win it all, but you did win today, and your team is going home with their heads held high and hopes for next time. Enjoy one hands-free release, and lick up as much as you can! You have until 6pm NYC/11pm London time on Monday to claim your release!
You know The Rules by now: You are NOT allowed to use your hands. You may rub against something, stick it into an object that you're NOT holding, etc. Anal is NOT allowed. After you cum, you must lick up as much of the cum as you can manage!
Brazil Players (marc (submissive_geek)): You got spanked AGAIN, and are going to be feeling the pain for a long time. Take 200 self-administered spanks using the implement of your choice - 100 on each side!
If your spanks are not taken and reported promptly, add 50 spanks per day interest for each additional day after 6pm NYC/11pm London time on Sunday.
Whether you lost or won, in My game, everyone gets another chance for glory - or humiliation - tomorrow during The Final!
The Reward and Punishment that I have decided for the Final:
1st Place: You get a personalized Special Reward, selected/designed from your ideas by Me, and supervised by Me. You are required to submit evidence of your task, which I will likely share on Twitter and/or my blogs.
2nd Place: You will be required to buy a ribbon* (selected to honor the victor) and wear it as a cock ring, wrapped around your entire package, for at least 10 hours, during which time you will edge x times, where x = the total number of goals scored!
And you have to wait until at least y days after the game to cum, where y = the number of goals scored against you!
Ex: Argentina loses 3-2 against Germany:
you wear a black ribbon and edge 5 times while wearing it
and are not allowed to cum until at least (3 goals x 24 hours)
72 hours after the end of the game!
I'll confirm the ribbon color(s) after the game tomorrow. I know that all my players know where they can buy them! ;-)
Your punishment isn't finished until both the ribbon-wearing and edging are done, and your chastity time is over. You are required to submit evidence of your task, which I will likely share on Twitter and/or my blogs.
Remember, this is the FINAL, so play will INTENSE,
and therefore so should be your Reward or Punishment! ;-)
* Yes, the ribbon wearing is inspired by my 4th of July/Bastille Day and St. Patrick's Day Assignments. Some of you are already slated to wear your red, white & blue ribbon on Monday for Bastille Day. If that's the case and your team loses, we'll discuss when you should wear which ribbon.
Players (FINAL)
azpanties: Argentinasophie: Germany
marc (submissive_geek): Argentina
jezi: Argentina
Read all My World Cup Chastity Game Rules and Updates:
NOTE: While this game is free, and one that I am really enjoying playing with my own subs, publishing the updates for the rest of you takes a lot of work. Gifts of thanks are much appreciated, and will encourage me to run more games like this in the future.
A tip of $5 or $10 is fine for this.
Amazon.com (very private and works best internationally) or GiftRocket.com (USA only) Gift Certificates are preferred.
If you're in the States, and want to send a small gift ($10 - $25), I also need a Digital Redbox Card: http://www.redbox.com/gifts.
It's a great way to treat me to a movie!
Use the name: M. Magick
Email to: ForMistressMagick at yahoo.com
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