Monday, June 30, 2014

Get My July 4th Assignment FREE Tuesday

My 4th of July/Bastille Day Assignment is available for FREE download through tomorrow (Tuesday) in honor of TeamUSA!

I know it's short notice for some of you, but I expect to have lots of boys and gurls beribboned for my pleasure again this year. ;-) I'm also allowing those in my training to schedule for other days between now and  Bastille Day (July 14th), especially over the July 4th weekend.

With any luck (and some serious skill), maybe we'll even be playing again on July 5th! *fingers crossed*

USA! USA! USA! USA!    I!  I Believe!  I Believe That We Will Win!

Want to do my assignments, but don't have a Kindle? You don't need one. Amazon has FREE Kindle-Reader Apps and Software available for most computers and smartphones.

So download my latest assignment and get ready to decorate your pole for MY pleasure!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

World Cup Chastity Game Rules - 2nd Stage
The Knock Out Rounds

 Actual start times (not ESPN pre-game times), shown in New York City/Boston/My time.
(Captured from Google. They've also had some GREAT Doodles for the Games.)

Remaining Players (updated July 1)
azpanties: Argentina (switched from USA)
sophie: Netherlands (switched from England)
jezi: Belgium (switched from England)
marc (submissive_geek): Argentina (switched from England)
scott: Germany (switched from England) Red Card for attitude!
danielle: USA; Backup: England Knocked out

I am removing players who haven't checked in. As with any game, some players simply just don't make the cut! If you believe there has been a mistake, you may appeal via email within 48 hours.

Okay, boys and gurls, things are going to get intense!

Except as specified below and on my Twitter, you are to remain chaste, as previously directed, until after the Final Game.
    Yes, this means that once both your teams are out, you may have NO CHANCE TO CUM, until the Final Game*. THIS is why you were encouraged to choose a good Backup team!
When your team plays:

Win - You held them back and kept driving at the goal, hanging in there until the game was won!

First, edge once for every goal your team scored, including any penalty kicks! Do NOT pause more than a minute between edges.

Then, you may cum (once), catching and licking up every drop!
(If you prefer to cum by rubbing against something, you may do so, but you must still lick up as much as possible.)

If you lose it and cum early, you must finish all your remaining edges as soon as you are able to get hard again.

If your edges and release are not completed and reported within 48 hours after the end of the game, they are forfeited.

[NOTE: If I have allowed you to cum with your partner within the last 96 hours, you will count that as your release. You must still perform the edges WITHOUT cumming.]

Red Card/Ejection - You've been a Very Naughty Boy, and need to be punished!
If a player on your team gets a Red Card during the game, you must spank yourself 100 times - as soon as possible after it happens!

You have 24 hours after the game ends to complete and report your spanks. Add an additional 50 spanks per day Interest for each day you are late, even if you are only a few minutes late.
    25 hours after the game ends = 150 spanks, etc.

Lose - You kept trying, but they just kept beating you back!

You must edge for each goal you scored.
AND you must spank 50 times (25 on each cheek) for every goal you gave up!

Beginning with an edge, alternate until you are done. As the number could get quite high, I will allow you flexibility regarding how to space out the spanks.
    Ex: You lost 2-4 = 2 Edges & 200 spanks
      Edge -> 50 Spanks -> Edge -> 150 spanks *or*
      Edge -> 100 Spanks -> Edge -> 100 spanks *or*
      Edge -> 150 Spanks -> Edge -> 50 spanks

You have 24 hours after the game ends to complete and report your edges and spanks. Add an additional 50 spanks per day Interest for each day you are late, even if you are only a few minutes late.
    25 hours after the game ends = 150 spanks, etc.

You can switch to your Backup (if they are still in the game) with your Backup's NEXT game.
          Ex: If USA loses to Belgium on 7/1, azp can switch to Argentina on 7/5 (and bring down some revenge on Belgium!) ;-) However, danielle will be done until the final as England is already out.

Once You're Teams Are Completely Out:
* I will have a Special Competition for the Final Round, and may have some earlier ones if everyone is already out! Watch My Twitter for details!
These will be your only additional chances to cum until this game is over (July 14th - Bastille Day).

If You Win It All:
Each of the players advancing have been asked to email me with a list of special Rewards they are interested in receiving if their team wins The Cup.

Ideas submitted include:

- Buy panties and a bra, and wear them all the next day. While wearing them write 100 lines in the library (or similar), where ladies could see.

-  Buy womens' clothes for a specific uniform, such as a secretary or a school girl. Tell the sales girls I lost a bet with some female friends and ask if they could help me choose. Perhaps Mistress could write a letter as though I'd lost the bet with her and include ideas of the kind of things she wants me to wear, so I can hand it to the girls and it looks like I have been sent.

- Buy and wear panties and/or pantyhose for the day.
- Wear a ribbon around cock in team colors.
- Tweet a thank you to the team with a pic of one of the above.

-  Masturbate with dildos in my mouth and ass.
-  Masturbate with nipple clamps and pull off during orgasm.

If you haven't emailed me, please do so as soon as possible.
Submitting your ideas are required as part of your request to be allowed your release for advancing from the Group Play to the Knock Out Rounds, and it is NOT my responsibility to remind you.

Read all My World Cup Chastity Game Rules and Updates:

Thursday, June 26, 2014

World Cup Rules: Playing Your Backup
& Advancing Into the Round of 16

Once you have switched to your Backup team, you get the Rewards for them as listed here:
just as if they were your main team - because now they are! 
(You can no longer claim these Rewards for your old team.)

This includes: 
1) a Hands-Free Release if they win:
You may cum once, but you are NOT allowed to use your hands - this is soccer/football/futbol after all!
You may rub against something, stick it into an object that you're NOT holding, etc. Anal is NOT allowed. After you cum, you must lick up as much of the cum as you can manage! 

2) their Reward if they Advance to the Round of 16!
   #1 ranked from your group: you may cum once using your hands. And, of course, you must lick up every drop of cum.
  - #2 ranked from your group: you may cum once, but only by rubbing against something while not using your hands. Don't forget to lick up as much as you can. ;-)

The Reward for Advancing to the Round of 16 can be taken anytime between when the ranking is officially announced and when your Round of 16 game begins*, however you must ask me for your reward**, and wait for My approval, before you can take it, so do NOT ask me at the last minute!

* I just updated this to give you more time if your team is playing Thursday. Otherwise, you would have only had Friday to take your reward.

** When you contact me to request your Reward for Advancing to the Round of 16, also email me privately and list 1 to 3 things you would like to be ordered to do, which you could complete within 48 hours of the World Cup Final on July 13th. Examples: Applying clothes pins to your balls; masturbating with cooked bacon; having to buy and wear panties; wearing a butt plug while you masturbate. This can include things that are not usually among my areas of interest. If you're lucky, one of your ideas could become your Reward if your team wins the World Cup! ;-)

Reminder: I expect my players to tweet and/or email me when they have completed each Punishment or Reward, and to do so as soon as possible after the end of the game.

I use the American definition of ASAP (within hours, and certainly by the end of the day), NOT the European version (whenever I can get around to it - maybe in a week or two)! ;-)

Therefore, I generally expect that Rewards and Punishments will be completed within 24 hours after the end of the game. I do try to be understanding for those who have privacy concerns at home, but at this point, I think I need to put my foot down:

- If Edges and Releases are not completed within 48 hours, they will be forfeited. 

- If Spanks are not completed within 24 hours, add 50 spanks per day as interest. 

Current Status:
azpanties: USA; Backup: Argentina
sophie: Netherlands (switched from England)
jezi: Belgium (switched from England)
scott: England, switching to Backup (Germany*) after Group Play, before the Round of 16
danielle: USA; Backup: England
dave: USA
marc (submissive_geek): Argentina (switched from England)

I will be posting Rules for the Knock Out Rounds between Thursday night and Saturday morning. It is your responsibility to monitor this blog and my Twitter feed for updates. I NOT be sending any more individually addressed emails or tweets to alert you of updates.  

While this game is free, and one that I am enjoying playing it with my own subs (azpanties, sophie and jezi-darling), the updates and monitoring take a lot of time and work. Gifts of thanks are much appreciated, and will encourage me to run more games like this in the future. (very private and work best internationally) or (USA only) Gift Certificates emailed to:  ForMistressMagick at are preferred. If you'd prefer to send something else, just let me know.

Use this link to read all posts regarding My World Cup Chastity Game Rules and Updates:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

World Cup Chastity Game Update -
England, Germany & More

After two losses, England was officially knocked out of contention for the World Cup even though they still have to play Costa Rica.
(I'm actually kind of proud of how well Costa Rica is doing as they are from My Region, but I also feel for sophie, jezi and the other English players.)

Because of this, My English players may begin fully supporting their Backups (and taking their rewards) anytime between Monday (6/22/14) and Friday (6/27/2014), EXCEPT for those who have Germany as their Backup*.

I decided to wait until all the 2nd Games of Group Play were over before allowing the switch in order to make it fair for everyone.


- You MUST email or tweet mentioning me to let me know that you are switching to your Backup. (You MUST do so before a game begins for it to be in effect for the outcome of that game.)

- You must be caught up on all of your Rewards and Punishments from previous games before you switch. This includes reporting them - via email or, preferably, on Twitter. On Twitter, you must always mention me in the tweet.

As I didn't hear from many of you after England's loss on Thursday, I have added interest of 50 extra spanks per day (starting on Saturday, 6/21) to the 50 spanks that you were to take for England losing. These must ALL be completed and reported first. (While the edges for the USA** should be done ASAP, I'll let you switch before you do them as they were an extra, unexpected, weekend punishment, added via Domme's Prerogative.)

- At that point that you switch to your Backup, you can begin taking Rewards as wells as Punishments for your new team. This means that as soon as you elect to switch to your Backup team, you can get a release if they win.

- If you do this before England plays their last game against Costa Rica, you will only get to edge if they win. (Basically, England is treated as your Backup after you switch.) However, considering the odds, it is in everyone's benefit to switch before their Backup team plays their third game.

Current Status:
azpanties: USA; Backup: Argentina
sophie: Netherlands (switched from England)
jezi: Belgium (switched from England)
scott: England, switching to Backup (Germany*) after Group Play, before the Round of 16
mark (wantstobelocked): England (OUT due to lack of communication & no Backup)
danielle: USA; Backup: England
dave: USA
marc (submissive_geek): Argentina (switched from England)

 * Do I really have to explain this? Team USA is playing Germany in our third game. I know we don't have a good chance of winning, although I would LOVE it if we did! (And it would give us a better chance of surviving the first game in the Knock Out Rounds.) However, I'll happily settle for the game to end in a nice, friendly Draw, in which we both go forward to the Knock Out Rounds without any more injuries, yellow cards, red cards, etc. (Pic below snapped from ESPN.)

The only scenario in which we don't advance entails Germany winning and either Ghana or Portugal (realistically, it would need to be Ghana) winning their game with a large enough GD to beat us for Second Place from our Group. Therefore the boy who has Germany as a Backup has to either 1) wait to switch or 2) play for the USA, just for this game. He can have Germany as soon as the game is over. As he's had some extra, pre-authorized, relationship-related releases, I don't feel the least bit bad about making him wait! In fact, I think it's only fair.

As the Domme running this game, you should support Me and My team whenever it doesn't create a conflict, regardless of whether you will be rewarded for it or not. I would never make you support My Country over your own Home Country, but having a Backup is a privilege that I have added so that we can all hopefully enjoy this game a little longer.

** Speaking of supporting My team - USA - I tweeted asking everyone to support them in Sunday's game against Portugal:

I didn't hear from many of you, and then it was an emotionally-tiring roller coaster of a game. Even though we finished with a Draw, the way that it happened made it feel like a Last-Minute Loss. Therefore, I've declared that everyone, whether you have USA or not, must do Four (4) Quick Edges (for the 4 goals scored during the game) so that you're left as breathless and frustrated as I was.

I want this done ASAP - which means within 24 hours of reading my order to do so, whether here or via the original tweet. (I've given azpanties slightly different instructions for his four edges because he was "holding my hand" and going through all the emotions with me during and after the game tonight.)

I'll post any Rule Changes for the Knock Out Rounds after the Group Play has ended. I expect the Rewards and Punishments to be the same, but haven't decided if I will allow any further switching of teams (for the American players). I AM considering a Special Reward if your team wins the Cup. ;-)

World Cup Chastity Game Rules - Part 1: Playing the Teams In Your Group:

Saturday, June 14, 2014

World Cup Chastity Game Rules - Part 1
Playing the Teams In Your Group

Chastity - You must begin your chastity as soon as you sign up to play. This means No Sensual Touching of your genitals, nipples or any other erotic area until the end of the World Cup except as specified by the game, or otherwise by me. You may touch yourself as necessary to use the restroom, shower, get dressed, adjust yourself, lock and unlock (if you have a chastity device), etc., but only as a doctor would touch you - professionally, to get the job done. If you have a chastity device, you may lock up between games, but should be unlocked for your punishment/reward.

When your team plays:

Win - You may cum once, but you are NOT allowed to use your hands - this is soccer after all! (And, yes, your Domme is American!)
          You may rub against something, stick it into an object that you're NOT holding, etc. Anal is NOT allowed.
          After you cum, you must lick up as much of the cum as you can manage!

Draw - Oh, you played well, but didn't quite get there!
          You may edge, or masturbate without cumming, x number of times, where x equals the score.
          Ex: the final score is 2-2, x=2, so you may edge 2 times.

Lose - Your team just got spanked, so you have to taking a spanking! Using a wooden spoon, slipper, etc., spank yourself  y times where y = GD x 50. You should divide the number by 2, doing 1/2 on each side to even it out.
           Ex: The final score is 5-1 (Spain!), so the GD (Goal Differential) is 4. Therefore y = 4 x 50 = 200, so spank yourself 200 times (100 on each cheek)!
Red Card/Ejection - You've been a Very Naughty Boy, and need to be punished!
           If a player on your team gets a Red Card during the game, you must spank yourself 100 times - as soon as possible after it happens!

If you advance from the Groups into the Knock Out Rounds 
(I like to call them the Brackets):
- And are the #1 ranked from your group: you may cum once using your hands. And, of course, you must lick up every drop of cum.
- And are the #2 ranked from your group: you may cum once, but only by rubbing against something while not using your hands. Don't forget to lick up as much as you can. ;-)

sophie will be tweeting the scores & info for each game in which one of your teams will be competing, and I will also be tweeting reminders, however you should not wait to see the tweets before following my instructions above.

I expect my players to tweet and/or email me when they have completed each punishment or reward, as listed above, and to do so as soon as possible after the end of the game.

The Reward for Advancing from your Group can be taken anytime between when the ranking is officially announced and when the Knock Out games begin, however you must ask me for your reward, and wait for My approval, before you can take it. Then it must be taken within 48 hours of My approval.

I know you boys & gurls need something to do between games, so I'm allowing you to pick a second/Backup country to follow. This is an option and is not required.

  • You Must choose them within the first week of play.
  • You have to take their punishment for a Draw, Loss or Red Card, but only get to Edge if they Win. The number of Edges is equal to the number of goals they scored, so if they win 3-2, you edge 3 times. 
  • You only start taking their punishments after you select them. 
  • If your main team does NOT advance from your Group, you may switch to supporting them during the Knock Out Rounds, including taking their rewards for Wins. 

Playing So Far:
azpanties: USA; Backup: Argentina
sophie: England; Backup: Netherlands
jezi: England; Backup: Belgium
scott: England; Backup: Germany
mark (wantstobelocked): England
danielle: USA; Backup: England
dave: USA
marc (submissive_geek): England; Backup: Argentina

How to Sign Up:

Sissies - Don't forget to wear your lucky panties/patriotic bathing suit during the game! :-)
sophie will soon be suiting up for England, and danielle has signed up to wear the uniform below in support of the US team:

Thanks & Kisses to My Staff:

World Cup Technical Advisor:   azpanties
Word Cup Secretary:                sophie girlie

Thursday, June 12, 2014

2014 World Cup Chastity Game

UPDATE: Registration for my 2014 World Cup Chastity Game is now CLOSED. I am NOT accepting any more players. Check in with me when the Ladies play in Canada next year.  :-)


I'm thinking about having a little game based on this year's World Cup. It will definitely involve chastity, but may also involve edging, spanking, cum consumption (when you are allowed to cum), etc.

If you're interested in playing, email me at:

ForMistressMagick (at)

EDIT: Specify your Country*, Backup Country if you are choosing one, Age and Relationship Status. Include a list of the dates and opponents that your countries have left to play in their Group.

 *For this game, just like the World Cup itself, your team is determined by your citizenship. If you have dual/multiple citizenship, you must choose before you begin playing and stick with your decision.

I also think it would be fun for participants to have lucky panties/patriotic apparel to wear when their team plays, and would love to see some pics.

Speaking of which, My sophie found this sexy England Flag Bikini to wear for game days, even if just in fantasy.

While trying to find the link, I came across this two piece (above right) that combines the Union Jack and Stars and Stripes. Ironically, it's from Paris Coming. (Maybe that explains the confused combination of the two flags!) I think it's the perfect everyday combination for My British sissies!

If You Would Like To Apply to Me...