Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sexy "Miss Santa" Outfits at Spencer's Gifts

It's a bit late to buy your Santa's Helper outfit for this year's Yule assignment, but a great time to get one on sale for next year. For example, azpanties found this sexy outfit shown at Spencer's Gifts. Now, it's on sale at 50% off on the Spencer's website. It does not include panties, but he found some yummy red and white striped ones that match the stockings.

He modeled it for me on Friday night. It was a little bit snug, but not too bad. To see how it looks on him, check out:


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Follow-up to: Panties as my Submissives' Uniform

 I thought some of you might enjoy seeing what my "uniform" panties look like on my jezi-girl, as well as how much of a sexy "vixen" she is! ;-) 

I expect to see these pics in her #DailyPanties tweets soon!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Shakespearean D/s

I've always thought that Shakespeare's "Sonnet 57" would be perfect for just the right boy to copy for me as a written "punishment". Well, I've definitely found the right boy! :-) And he has adapted it ever so slightly for me before writing it out. Enjoy!

Sonnet 57
Being Your slave, what should i do but tend
Upon the hours and times of Your desire?
i have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do, till You require.
Nor dare i chide the world-without-end hour
Whilst i, my Mistress, watch the clock for You,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour
When you have bid Your servant once adieu;
Nor dare i question with my jealous thought
Where You may be, or Your affairs suppose,
But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought
Save, where You are how happy You make those.
So true a fool is love that in Your will,
Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill.

- adapted from William Shakespeare

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Panties as my Submissives' Uniform

In October, andrew gave me a gift card for Lane Bryant so that I could buy some lingerie from Cacique. I was ordering online to get the specific colors and sizes I needed, but having it shipped to the store for pickup to save on shipping. Like the frugal Domme that I can sometimes be, I was watching the sales in order to get the best deal, and I was also considering whether it was worthwhile to add a few more items to my order and pay a bit out of my own pocket so that I could use a coupon which would make the extra items almost free.

While I did look at several nice items for myself, I kept going back to panties that might make nice holiday presents for my boys & girls, including the ones to the upper right. The one thing that I wasn't sure about was the dangling double-diamond accent on the front. (I did see another style that I liked even better on clearance, but they sold out before I could get sizing information from andrew and sophie).

Just as I was getting ready to order without using the coupon, these went on clearance as well! I found myself wondering if jezi would mind if her panties matched andrew's, or if theirs matched sophie's and so on! I asked them, and found that they generally liked the idea of having matching "uniforms" of panties to wear for me, so I bought these for all my boys and girls who wear panties, even getting a couple extra pairs to allow for possible sizing issues.

When I went into the store to pick them up, I saw that they had the same panties there, except that theirs had a large round clear jewel on the front framed in silver. I absolutely *loved* the new design! And, of course, they were NOT on sale. Now it was obvious to me why the others had been on clearance - although I had not seen the new design advertised anywhere on their website. But... I wondered...

I opened my order right there at the store counter, digging past my own items to get the to extra panties at the bottom. And, YES! They were the new design! Color me one happy Domme!

As you can see from the picture above left, andrew loves his new panties, and jezi will soon be modeling hers as well [updated with a link to her pics] - which also include the sexy, rhinestone-adorned "vixen" holiday thong shown at right. Keep an eye out for them on Twitter in my #DailyPanties.

So, now that you know which panties I gave certain boys & girls this holiday, I'm wondering which of you will be wearing Holiday Panties for me this year. Email me at:
      ForMistressMagick *at* Yahoo *dot* com
and request my Yule Assignment to join in.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sexy "Miss Santa" Outfits at Ann Summers (UK)

If you're doing Level Three of my Yule/Xmas Assignment, you may have to order your outfit soon. I've been having a look around and found quite a few sexy and appropriate outfits on the Frederick's of Hollywood site, but they don't necessarily come in sizes for sissies - or for real women, for that matter.

I asked thurstan for some help in finding outfits in the UK, and especially in larger/plus sizes. Below are a list of the best outfits that he found. I probably shouldn't be surprised that Ann Summers has all the sexy "Santa's Helper" outfits. After all that's where jezi got her's last year!


Miss Selfridge has some tiny Santa Baby briefs £4 but only up to large, and that's too small for most sissies

On a positive note, Ann Summers is in the festive mood:

Sheer Sexy Miss Santa Brief
£10, up to size 18

Red and white candy stripe over the knee stockings
[jezi got these last year ~ M]
£10 with a red bow and marabou.
(but we don't recognise candy canes in UK as Christmassy)

Sexy, Sheer Miss Santa Dress
£18, in red mesh, white fur and a santa belt/buckle feature, only up to size large (for petite sissies)

Miss Claus Sexy Christmas Outfit
[This is my favorite of the new ones this year. ~ M]
£30 for velvet body, sleeves and a hat, size 18 and 24 catered for.

Sexy Miss Santa Dress
£30, all the way up to size 24, soft red body and shoulder straps, with white fur, and "boot toppers"

Deluxe Mrs Santa Outfit
[This is the one that jezi got last year. ~ M]
£30, up to size 20, red halterneck dress with white fur trim and white fur cuffs and a santa belt. has loads of cheap stuff under a search for "christmas lingerie" in fancy dress section, but the sizes are often vague and won't fit many sissies.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Request My Yule/Xmas Assignment Now!

Just like last year, my Yule/ Xmas Assignment has Three Levels of Difficulty... or perhaps I should say "Sissification":

- Level One is a holiday panty assignment for those who don't normally crossdress or generally would only wear panties.

- Level Two is an online shopping assignment for sissies and other CDs/TVs/etc. who want to crossdress in sexy little outfits for their Mistress, but aren't able to do so because of privacy reasons.

- Level Three is a dressup assignment for sissies and other CDs/TVs/etc. who can find the time/privacy to buy and wear a special outfit, like the one shown at right, just for me.
I expect most of you to participate at Level One, whereas sissies like my jezi will certainly do Level Two and will hopefully have the privacy for Level Three. Here's her report and others from last year!

To participate, email me at ForMistressMagick *at* Yahoo *dot* com and request my Yule Assignment. Check back here for more updates.

Picture: Sleigh Belle Babydoll from Frederick's:,default,pd.html?cgid=gf08

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

NOT Cranberry Sauce

One of the boys doing my Naughty November assignment saw these on the shelf next to the cranberry sauce. Obviously this sauce is NOT suggested for your Fun with Food adventure. Ouch!

Speaking of Messy Masturbation Month, even though Thanksgiving is Thursday, it's still not too late to join in on my November assignment. Email:
     ForMistressMagick *at* yahoo *dot* com
now and request it!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cupping Your Balls & Reminding You of Me
(Wearing Panties For Your Mistress)

From the script for one of my favorite movies, Bull Durham:

She pulls something from her handbag and hands it to Nuke. A pair of WOMEN'S RED PANTIES, with lace and frills.

ANNIE: I want you to wear these on the road trip when you pitch.

NUKE: What?

ANNIE: They'll fit snugly against your balls in such a wonderful way that you'll start seeing things differently -- plus they'll remind you of me which is better than thinking about those nasty hitters.

~  From:
(Apparently, in the original version, she gives him panties to wear, not a garter belt (as shown). I love both!)

I first started having boys wear panties, especially black lacey ones, because I love the way that they look - nicely decorating both the buns and bulge - covering the package while inviting me to touch and play. ;-)

But I've found that having a boy wear them when away from me adds another aspect - teasingly reminding him of my ownership and control. And, yes, whether nervous or excited, I love knowing that he's wearing them for me - our little secret.

andrew (who also sent me the quote above), put it so well in an email today that I just had to share it:

I'm excited to wear only feminine panties, it's been something like 6 or 7 weeks since I last wore my male underwear, and it's all been put away in a drawer; I haven't even seen a pair for well over a month.

It's a constant reminder, having to make a selection, report to you each morning, keep them laundered (I have fewer panties in rotation than I used to have male pants). They're more delicate and I can't just throw them in the washing machine with my jeans -- like I would have with my cotton boxer briefs -- so they take more looking after and of course that's a secondary responsibility and reminder, because there are almost always some panties hanging to dry. I'm not having to handwash them though, so I can be grateful for that.

For me, I enjoy the feel, all the styles feel different under my clothes, a constant reminder that I'm dressed differently. But of course, best of all is, I'm doing it for You [and nobody else knows]. It's one of the connections we have, Mistress.

It's made me wet just writing about it, I've just had to lick up some pre-cum.

Your boy

Nuke in garters:
Self-portrait in panties by My boy, andrew

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dommes are like Priests...

I just said this to a boy and had to share it:

(Apologies in advance to any Catholics or anyone else that I might offend with the next comment.)

Mistresses are like priests, you must confess to them for your own good, but there is also a certain level of confidentiality required. That, and sometimes we like to do very naughty things to our boys! ;-)

The difference is you have less control over what we say about you, and more consent over what we may do to you!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's Only Two Weeks Until Thanksgiving...

And time for boys everywhere to help me celebrate with a little Food Fun!

In my training, November is Messy Food Masturbation Month.

So what will it be these year: "Cock and Cum Stuffing" or "Cranberry Sauce Cream"?

Either way, your assignment report is due on November 30, so email:

ForMistressMagick *at* yahoo *dot* com

now and request it!

Curious, but unsure? Here are a few reports from last year to give you a Taste:

- Paxo Stuffing:

- Canned Cranberry Sauce:

- Cranberry Sauce in a Glass Jar:


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Mistress Moans"

My silly, wonderful #1 boy, johnj rewrote the J. J. Cale song "Mona" for me. While certain lines might make even me blush, I had to share it:

Mistress Moans
 ~ Adapted by johnjWP from "Mona" by J. J. Cale

Mistress, She cums on a Saturday
She gives me plenty of lines
She cums in my bed, gets in my head
Makes me feel alright
Makes me feel alright

Mistress, She cums on a Sunday
She cums on into the night
Mistress, She cums on my fingers
To keep my spirits high
To keep my spirits high

Mistress, She brings me no money
She brings me no food
All She brings is Her sweet, sweet love
Makes my afternoon
Makes my afternoon

When daylight falls on my window
Another night's come and gone
I always know 'cause I'm feeling so low
Mistress, you know She has gone
Mistress, you know She has gone

* * *

And, yes, of course he wrote it for me - 10x!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Come on boy & gurls, It's Almost Halloween!

Who do you want to be this year?

No, who do you REALLY want to be?

Sissy maid?

Harem girl?

Naughty school girl?

Sexy secretary?

Obedient puppy?

My October assignment is easy, but you only have a little over a week left to prepare - less if you are dressing for a weekend party!

If you're too afraid to dress the way that you would really like to dress, then try an intentionally silly version of it this year. It will make people laugh, and hopefully give you the positive feedback that you need to go a bit further next time.

It's also a great time to go shopping for any of these sorts of items: ladies clothes and accessories, makeup, collars, etc. because you can say it's for a costume even if you only plan to wear it in private!

And keep an eye out for post-holiday sales in your local stores. Costume shops usually carry cheap fishnet stockings, elbow length gloves, etc., and those bunny ears & tail might just come in handy next Easter!

Come on boy & gurls, this is the one night every year that you can be what you really want to be. So get your kink on!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

D/s for Job Hunting!

Yes, yet another reason why many of you naughty boys could benefit from a Domme's training - especially in this economy!

I also really liked the way that he acknowledged that I am in control now. And doesn't he have the cutest "bum"!

The below is crossposted from my In Her Service blog:
I'm using my usual training methods, including panty and chastity training, in order to help thurstan stay motivated and focused in his job search. With so many good boys out of work, perhaps this is a service that I should offer more widely!


Good morning, Mistress

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!

My big alarm was set for 7:30 and I turned it off without opening my eyes. My phone alarm was set for 7:50 and it's before 8:00 as I write this. I had trouble getting off to sleep, I think through to nerves about today, but I'm awake -- if a bit bleary eyed -- ready for the day. I'll complete this after a bath, breakfast and all the other essential start of the day things. Today will be different in that I won't be wasting time web-surfing, the computer will be used for work, not pleasure.

I selected a black stretchy net thong to wear. Underneath, it doesn't cover much, but attached is a black flouncy net skirt all around to preserve my modesty. At the back my bum cheeks must just be peeking out under the skirt.

As I type this, it feels great sitting down, and the skirt tickles my thighs. There's a bulge forming at the front but I know the rules and will leave Your cock well alone. I will make a photo later, because it's 9am already and I don't want to get distracted from the work I must do.

It was two days ago that I was last allowed to touch Your cock, and you graciously permitted me to have a release at the time, but it's been two days also since I touched it too. It wasn't easy to change the habit I had when it was mine, but it doesn't belong to me any more, and I've been able to keep my promise to you.

As I mentioned yesterday, I want to find three realistic job posting, and apply for those. I will work also on my CV because a couple of people had ideas how I might change it.

I think I've been coping ok with chastity. I fell asleep lying on Your erect cock last night, and woke up stiff this morning, but I left it alone. I don't know I'll feel about things in a few more days.

I skipped breakfast to write this, I'll get some work done before I head in to the kitchen for some food.

Thank You for looking after this boy,


Friday, September 23, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Favorite Panty Styles For My Pantyboys & Sissy Gurls

I saw this lovely pair of lacy black tanga panties on @pantiesfortoday's Twitter feed and had to share them. They are a perfect example of the panties that I love to have my pantyboys and sissy girls wear!

I love having "the package" covered, but to have a nice view of the butt cheeks, and easy access to my property. (I want to know that that your (my!) penis is there and to see your reactions, but not have everything "in my face"!)

Thongs are good for this, but they need to have some feminine elements such as lace or bow trims. Otherwise, they could just as easily be men's.

(NOTE: Every crossdresser should own a pair of basic black cotton women's bikinis or thongs, but save them for doctor visits!) 

I'm especially enjoying all the new trends in tangas and V-strings and love the way those pretty details on the back waistband really accent the rear view! Look at the lovely cherry red tangas at right. Once again, they cover the package, but show off everything else. The only thing that would make them better is having them in black!

Different cuts of panties look better on different boys and gurls... and let's face it, many can't carry off the tinier thongs. I also like bikinis in similar styles and all-lace boy shorts, as well as the flirty femme aspects of ruffled-back rumba panties.

Ultimately, the cut that looks best on the boy/gurl and best fits my mood is the one that I want to see.

That being said, I don't really like full-cut granny panties or the ultra-full bloomers marketed for sissies because they cover too much.

You also have to be careful with sheer, fuller-cut backs. While I have had boys wear sheer-backed panties for me, and have even purchased them for jezi, it is usually the front view and coverage that I really love most about them (at right). With sheer backs, I prefer them to be dark/black mesh or lace, making them more subtly sheer and much more sexy, mysterious and attractive.

I do have to note that I have recently encountered several sissies posting pics of themselves leaning over with their butt sticking out while wearing plain, light-covered, sheer-back, full-cut panties. These pics clearly showed their entire butt and gave a deep view of their butt crack. Not only are these panties NOT attractive, I consider this pose to be the same as "mooning" me and take it as an insult.

Posting pics poking your worse-than-bare butt out there, presumably for a spanking, is just as bad as any cock-shot, and just as much all about you. It is not about your Domme, what she wants or offering yourself to her.

I'm sure that you have already noticed that black is my favorite color on my boys and gurls. I especially *love* the contrast of black lace against pale skin, and find that black as the perfect color when you want to be sexy and not trashy.

My own personal favorite color is purple, so it is also a favorite color for my boys and gurls, but I do consider it to be more personal to me, and it's a special color for those in my service or training. Likewise, well-designed rose prints and patterns are especially close to my heart.

Other colors that have special meaning include:
  • Sissy Pink - Best when really femmed-up in a very girlie way.
  • Bridal White - NEVER wear plain, boring cotton! Virginal white panties should always be delicately beautiful, preferably satin and/or lace with exquisite trims like something you would wear on your wedding night.
  • Slutty Red - Unless it is for a holiday like Valentine's or Christmas, I usually consider red as in-your-face slutty!
I don't really like any shade of blue, aqua or turquoise (not even those used by schools that I have attended and places where I have worked!), and why would a crossdresser or sissy ever wear a boy-color anyway!!

I'm generally looking for a front view of your panties, with a nice bulge but not showing "everything". A hint of something through semi-sheer fabric, mesh or lace can create a nice intrigue, but try not to be too in-your-face about it.

A view of the back is a nice addition if there is any back-detailing. Like the pic of the rumba panties above, the best angle is often half way between being directly to the back and directly to the side so that it shows the curve of the cheek, but not an in-depth view of the crack! With tangas, v-backs, etc., you generally have to be more straight-on to really show off the back detailing, but then the crack is usually covered. :-)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Other Twitter Hash Tags:
#DailyPanties & #ChastityStatus

Quite a few of you know that I'm @Mistress_Magick on Twitter, but did you know that I've created a couple hash tags for training my boys and gurls, which I'm now encouraging others to use as well?

#DailyPanties - Use this tag to tweet a description and/or pic of the panties that you are wearing today. You don't have to wear panties everyday (unless I'm training you to do so) - just join when you can. The more, the merrier!
(Genetic males only, please. Sometimes we get trolling "escorts"!)

#ChastityStatus - How many days since your last release? If you are in chastity, with or without a device, you are welcome to join in. It also doesn't matter if you are under a Domme's or partners control, or not.

To make it simple, Day 0 is the day that you last came. Ruined orgasms count (even though I don't support them), while edging doesn't count (and I *love* making my boys do it! ;-) ) Of course, all such touching is only under the orders of your Lady/Partner/Keyholder.

Don't have a Mistress?
Taking part in my #DailyPanties and/or #ChastityStatus is an easy and free way to start getting my attention.

Don't know what hash tags are, or how to use them, start here:

And don't forget that your tweets have to be public to be picked up by the search engine and/or for anyone not following you to see them. That includes me!

My subs & trainees should also remember to mention me by including "@Mistress_Magick" in their tweets, but don't put that first (which makes it a direct reply) or others won't see it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

School Days: My September Assignment is Ready

School days, school days
Dear old golden rule days
Readin' and 'ritin' and 'rithmetic
Taught to the tune of the hickory stick
Let's take a trip on memory's ship
Back to the bygone days
Sail to the old village school house
Anchor outside the school door
Look in and see
There's you and there's me
A couple of kids once more.

“School Days, School Days” Lyrics by Will D. Cobb, 1907

Yes, it's that time of year again, and to celebrate you'll be dressing up as a school girl or boy, with the option of writing lines while dressed. ;-)

Email:   ForMistressMagick *at*
And request the September Assignment to join us in class.
(Consenting adults only, of course.)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Writing For Me - Even When He's Not Writing For Me ;-)

My #1 boy & WP Assistant, johnj, is doing a written punishment for another Domme right now. The short version is that he had fun taking part in some online roleplay where a group of subs (actually most of them are bottoms) were being "helpful" but were really being naughty (destroying things to build other things.. all imaginary, so nothing was actually damaged) and now he is getting the same punishment as the others.

This was all with my blessing of course, but this time it's been feeling a bit weird with him writing for someone else. johnj is nothing if not helpful, so it was natural for him to take part (and I enjoyed watching him join in the fun)... and of course it was only fair that he receive the same "reward" as the others. However, I'm not been feeling any power exchange with it this time (every time before this I have actively arranged it in some fashion, rather than simply encouraging and allowing it), and while he's enjoying it, it's not quite the same "zing" for him either.

But today was different. Between Hurricane Irene and some extended-family issues, I was up all night last night. I slept in even later than normal for a Saturday and was late to our usual Saturday afternoon date (one of the privileges of being my best boy ;-)). I met him online, but I needed time to do a few things before I could give him my full attention. He asked if he should write another 10 double lines while he waited. I said "15!" And the zing was back! ;-)

He told me afterward that those lines were definitely written for me even though they were assigned by another Domme. Needless to say, this morning (Sunday), he will be writing an additional 100 lines "for me"! ;-)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reflections: Shifting Focus ~

It's funny how different types of punishments wax and wane. Some months it seems like all my focus is on Edging or Panties, while others it might all be on Written Punishments. Part of it is that the more I am focused on any one area, the more it feeds other punishments in that area... both because the report posts and tweets attract new boys, and because the more I give assignments in an area, the more new naughty and interesting ideas I come with! What I do with boy A gives me ideas of what to do with boy B, and they both feed my play with sissy C, which gives me a great new idea for A, and so on.

But with my online-only boys and clients, my current focus also varies depending on *their* work, family obligations, etc. It makes sense that certain Holiday Assignments are more popular than others, but even those vary. For instance, a "ribbon assignment" usually has guaranteed popularity. Last year's 4th of July was amazing, with a couple boys queued up early and a couple more running out to buy ribbons on the 4th itself so that they could join in. It is so perfect when an assignment hits a critical mass like that! I was busy with email and tweets, turned on by all the boys in ribbons and their yummy reports, and loving every minute of it!  By contrast, almost everyone was busy this year, and I had very little participation. Sometimes I am just focused on other things and not pushing the holidays as much, but I don't think that has the case with the 4th.

A couple months ago, even my WP regulars were taking a break, but I was completely caught up in Edging Games with my Twitter boys & gurls. Whereas now, I have half a dozen boys & gurls doing Written Punishments... but since my jezi, mKo and others have been busy with work and family, Twitter has really quieted down for me.

I've got a couple new puppies lined up for my August "Dog Days of Summer" assignment and am curious to see if any of them turn out to be worth keeping around for more.
   Email: ForMistressMagick *at* yahoo *dot* com  and "beg for it" to join in! ;-)

Coming up next:
How I had a boy who was guilty of borrowing his ex-partners' panties for self-pleasuring purposes help design his own written punishment. ;-)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Here Puppy, Puppy, Puppy!

The "Dog Days of Summer" are here, and so is my annual August Puppy Dog Training Assignment.

As some of you know, my first collared submissive (and ex-fiancé) was a puppy, and even though I rarely train puppies now, the ones that I do are especially close to my heart.

This assignment includes portions of the first two assignments in my puppy training program and is great way to give it a try and/or get to know me better if you think that puppy dog training and/or role play might be right for you.

So be a good dog:
              Email: ForMistressMagick *at*
                                         and request my August/Puppy Play Assignment.
Thinking of you ...on a leash at my feet.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

WP Birthday Spankings! (Updated)

I just gave the below "Written Punishment" to johnj as a Special Birthday Present (he has to write it 10x, +1 "to grow on", making 11 repetitions in total.. so far!), and I thought others might enjoy it as well.

Update: I changed the lyrics and layout to the below, with "Come over here, boy!" in my color (purple) and spank/spanky/spanking and " bottom hurts just thinking about it!" always in red, for his red behind! ;-) 

He's re-writing the previous 11, plus 5 more... plus another one to "grow" on! ;-)

* * *
My Birthday Spanking
~ Adapted from Madonna's song "Hanky Panky"

[Mistress says] Come over here, boy!

Some boys, they get handy,
and others, they like to grind,
I'll settle for the palm of your hand

somewhere on my behind.
Treat me like I'm a bad boy,

even when I'm being good to you,
I don't want you to thank me,

 you can just spank me!

Some girls like to sweet talk,

and others, they like to tease,
Tie my hands behind my back

and, ooo, I'm in ecstasy.
Don't slobber me with kisses,

I can get that from my sisters,
Before I get too cranky,

you better...

Like hanky panky,
Nothing like a good spanky,
Don't take out your handkerchiefs,
I don't wanna cry,

I just wanna be your hanky panky guy. bottom hurts just thinking about it!

 * * *
The original song... which was from the movie, Dick Tracy:

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Boots! (and Quick Update)

I had an unexpected trip out of town this past week and am just catching up. Here's a special treat for behaving in my abscene:

From "The History of Boots" in Leather Obsession No. 7,
one of the vintage fetish magazines that I am considering selling:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

International FemDom Day ~ July 24th

While I havent seen much "buzz" about it this year, I'd like to remind everyone that International Femme Domme Day is July 24th (as in 24/7), which is this coming Sunday.

Here's more info from last year, including how I had my boys & gurls celebrate:

Of course, the best way to celebrate is to spend your day pleasing and pleasuring your Domme as SHE desires! And don't forget a special #tribute of something that you know will bring a smile to her face.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Disciplining Naughty Boys ~

I must admit: I love making boys endure the things that distract them and lead them into temptation while doing their written punishments.

I just wrote an assignment of a boy who likes to look at... leer at...  women in sexy boots. So, not only does he have to surround himself with his favorite pictures of women in boots while he writes his lines, he also has to describe what he finds sexy about them is a part of him lines. *evil laugh*

And, of course, he is NOT allowed to touch himself while enduring all this teasing & punishment!
Now, that's hawt! ;-)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tonight's fireworks plans were rained out so I decided to start scanning the covers of my old collection of fetish and kink magazines, which my publisher is going to list for sale for me. In the middle of them, I found an 1996 issue of DDI (Domination Directory International) magazine filled with Post-it Note's from my very first Male Service sub and assistant, "D".

This article was marked as one to be shared with potential subs. While it was written for those seeing Pro Dommes in-person, much of it is applicable across the board, and so I thought that I would post it here.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Decorate Your Flag Pole for Me this July!

Last year's 4th of July was sooo yummy that thinking of it turns me on! Im hoping that more boys will step up and take part this year.. whether on July 4th or Bastille Day (July 14th) or an agreed upon day in between.


ForMistressMagick *at* yahoo *dot* com

and request it!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kink-Colored Glasses: Coloring & Activity Books

I have been emailing with an adult male who likes to dress up and be given written punishments to complete while role playing as a little girl.

For those of you who don't know, I used to be the "Dommie Mommy" in a family-by-choice that included a couple ABs (Adult Babies). These are consenting adults who like to dress up and role play as babies or children. For many, it isn't sexual, but is rather about feeling safe, secure and loved.

Honestly, ABs aren't usually my thing anymore. It doesn't take long for me to get tired of the "little ones" who require all your time and attention, and well... even though, with AB/DLs, you can choose whether they can do #1 or #2 or #3 (Did you know that there is a #3!), I won't even entertain the idea of diapers these days!

However, I noticed that some of the boys preferred role playing as little girls because they believed that little girls were more loved and protected and cared for... and of course, they get all the pretty stuff! And those are the ones that I enjoy playing with: coloring and reading together, cuddling, going shopping for pretty girlie stuff, playing dress up, etc. And they can even help Mommy get dinner ready, or brush Mommy's hair after she is done brushing theirs. ;-)

Anyway, as I was saying, I've been talking to an AB girl who likes to do written punishments. So what should I see while shopping at Target tonight, but a Disney Princess Word Search Activity Book! And on clearance no less! Yep, I had to buy it! :-)

I haven't looked at coloring and activity books that way in years, but it's very obvious that talking to her has put my "AB-colored glasses" on. And even though I'm not sure if I am going to be giving her punishments, she is reminding me of my old family-by-choice ... and also one very grown up "little girl" who became my sub for a while. Such sweet memories... :-)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Are you Ready to Decorate Your Flag Pole for MY Pleasure?

My annual 4th of July/Bastille Day assignment is ready. A return to my "traditional ribbon assignments", but with a twist, this assignment is to be performed on or near July 4th (Independence Day in the States). July 14th (Bastille Day in France) is the official make up/alternate day. (You can request other dates, but they must be pre-approved.)

To join & decorate your "flagpole" for My pleasure, email:
     ForMistressMagick *at* Yahoo *dot* com
And request the July assignment.

And, yes, UK boys & gurls are especially invited to join in! ;-)


Q: I have a friend who loves the idea of being used as a sex toy, just a thing for pleasure. Would you love a relationship like that?

A: Been there, done that! But he must be able to cook, give a great massage, and keep up his end of a conversation. All are required for My pleasure. ;-)

Q: When it comes to penis size, do you prefer thickness, smoothness or length? Cut or uncut ... or does matter?

A: Length - long enough, with a nice distinctive "mushroom" head, to hit my g-spot. No kids + kegel exercises mean I'm tight, and, yes, there is such a think as too thick! Whereas, with the right angle, I can put that extra length to work on my clit. ;-)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Finally A Classy Clips Site!

I'm the sort of Goddess who believes that it can be sexy to leave *something* to the imagination.. to tease and tempt... to play with the mind as well as the body. And, as a FemDom, it is more and more important for me that I am affiliated with sites that show respect for the true power of women. So many clips sites look cheap and trashy, and are basically focused on amateur porn... with everything "all in your face". Even when you are finally allowed a release, I want you on your knees, dreaming of being of being at my feet or serving me in other ways, gasping "Thank you, Mistress", not flipping meaninglessly through picture after picture, each of which further devalues that power.

Therefore, I'm happy to say that I have finally found a fetish-focused clips website which is classy, rather than trashy, and which also allows we to offer .mp3s so that I can tease and tantalize you with my voice, as well as my mind.

From first glance, I was impressed by Clippette. When Lisa, one of the co-founders, emailed me information, it only confirmed my first impression that this is a site that is actually intended to be respectful, intelligent and classy: "Clippette doesn't look like traditional adult websites, because we wanted to create an elegant, sexy, easy-to-use environment that conveys respect for the people selling content with us, as well as our customers. We don't think there's anything dirty or nasty about sex and wanted the site to clearly communicate that."

I have several ideas for audio files focusing on sissy fantasies, and of erotic and/or feminization hypnosis that I'd like to offer, in addition to possibility making more recordings of me. ;-)

For now, I'll be offering foot, shoe and stocking pics, as well as the notorious audio file of me being pleasured, which I also use for edging and cock control training.

Check out my new store at:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The End of Cursive Writing?

Yet another reason why Written Punishments are needed:

Hmm... I wonder how many of you would enjoy doing some of those practice sheets for me!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Scrunchie Cock Rings for my Sweet jezi-girl

An assortment of eight scruchies (one for each day of the week, plus an extra one for "laundry day") are on their way to my jezi-darling. She will be wearing them to decorate MY package, but in a pretty girlie way. I thought you might like to see them. ;-)

Monday, May 30, 2011

"A Midsummer Night's Dream" ~

My June assignment has been emailed out. The theme is "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and, in it, you will be sharing a special dream/fantasy of yours with me.

Email: ForMistressMagick *at* yahoo *dot* com and request the assignment to take part in this naughty summer frolic.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Modern Milk Bar?

For all my “Dirty Little Freaks” ~

I’m sure Pink was making a political statement in the role reversal, but the first thought that came to my mind was a “Milk Bar” à la Stanley Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange.

Full "Raise Your Glass" Video:

And, yes, Pink makes a great Rosie the Riveter, too!
Photo: Scene captured from the linked version of Pink's "Raise Your Glass" video 

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